
Hello, my name is Sarah Stanley. I am 24 years old and I'm classified as a Junior.
My major is K-6 Elementary Education and my ideal grades to teach are Kindergarten through 3rd,
the younger the better.



Sunday, February 5, 2017

Blog #4: Videos in Education

Here is the link to the Let's use video to reinvent education video: 

This video had many insights that I had never thought of before. I have always been a fan of supplementing classroom education with online resources, but I never thought about reversing the process as suggested in the video. I love the possibility of having the students watch the material at home, at their own pace, and doing the activities in class where the teacher can help. This way the teacher can correct any mistakes before the student practices the concept incorrectly.
Placing lectures online makes learning a less intimidating and more customizable experience. This opens it up to a whole different type of discussion where no one feels pressured to join in and responses can be read and reread if someone doesn’t understand. The same thing goes for watching and rewatching the video. People can comment if they have a question and anyone can answer. Mr. Khan also pointed out that by having these kinds of discussions online it literally opens up a whole world of knowledge, which is what I believe education is all about.

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